GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Posted on: 14/11/2022

ASK Programme: Yr 11 Mock Assessment Centre

The ASK team came into school this week to talk to year 11 about Assessment Centres.

Large company employers will often invite all candidates who they want to interview, to take part in some activities together, as well as having an individual interview.

They may be asked to present something to the group, do some role play or do an activity similar to what our students took part in.

All year 11's had to work in teams to build the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows.
They had to plan, communicate, listen, be creative, co-ordinate and show great team work.
One student from each group was assigned as the assessor; they observed skills and behaviours within the team.

Who was leading, encouraging, listening, helping? etc...
It was a lot of fun (and a little messy), but I hope they took from this, the importance of teamwork and gained more insight into what an assessment centre could be like.

    ASK1       ASK2